Sleeping Beauty print up for grabs at Art and Culture Center fundraiser event Abracadabra 2014
an edition of Sleeping Beauty, 2013, will be available at the Art and Culture Center of Hollywood’s annual fundraiser/raffle Abracadabra.
Abracadabra is an exhibition of over a hundred works that culminates with a live drawing in which every ticket holder goes home with an original piece of art. Tickets start at $375.
Each Abracadabra ticket purchased will guarantee the bearer to go home with a work of art valued at greater than the ticket price. At 8 pm on March 14th, all ticket holders’ names will be randomly drawn, one by one. When your name is called, you get to choose any work of art that has not yet been selected.
If you are picked first, you have first choice of all the artwork, the second name picked gets second choice, and so on – everyone is a winner! Proxy bidding will be available for those unable to attend. Complimentary full bar, hors d’oeuvres, and live magic. $35 buys general admission for one person to the event (this does not include Abracadabra drawing participation).
Opening Reception: Friday, Jan 24, 6-9pm
Raffle & Closing Reception: Friday, March 14, 6 – 9 pm
Buy your tickets now, right now, here, with this link, right now!
Participating Artists
Farley Aguilar | Felice Grodin | Gustavo Oviedo |
TJ Ahearn | Adler Guerrier | Tara Penick |
Jose Alvarez | Nolan Haan | Lori Pratico |
Nellie Appleby | Peter Hammar | Sri Prahba |
Dogan Arslanoglu | Deming Harriman | Bianca Pratorius |
Zachary Balber | Henning Haupt | Judy Polstra |
Jenna Balfe | Donna Haynes | Karen Rifas |
James Ruby Barsalou | Jason Hedges | Johnny Robles |
Bhakti Baxter | Gamaliel R. Herrera | David Rohn |
Loriel Beltran | Douglas Hoekzema | Rosemarie Romero |
Francie Bishop Good | Moira Holohan | Sarah Michelle Rupert |
Jason Botkin | Marcello Ibanez | Samantha Salzinger |
Duane Brandt | Regina Jestrow | Oliver Sanchez |
Pip Brandt | Brookhart Jonquil | Ivan Santiago |
J.C. Bravo | Eurydice Kamvisseli | Lissette Schaeffler |
Samantha Brooks | Dave Kudzma | Tom Scicluna |
Carol K. Brown | Sinisa Kukec | Matt Sheridan |
Randy Burman | Ernesto Kunde | Carrie Sieh |
Amalia Caputo | Richard Kurtz | Sara Stites |
Autumn Casey | Francesco LoCastro | TM Sisters |
Lou Anne Colodny | Johnny Laderer | Ali Spechler |
Elisabeth Condon | Don Lambert | Karen Starosta-Gilinski |
Andres Conde | Natalya Laskis | Tatiana Suarez |
Julie Davidow | David Leroi | Nina Surel |
John DeFaro | Karelle Levy | Kristen Thiele |
Elaine Defibaugh | Christiaan Lopez Miro | Carmen Tiffany |
Madeline Denaro | Evo Love | Alex Trimino |
Michael Enns | Jordan Marty | Stephan Tugrul |
Phillip Estlund | Jordan Massengale | Monica Uszerowicz |
Carla Fache | Christina Major | Juana Valdes |
Liz Ferrer | Jean Paul Mallozzi | Angela Valella |
Virginia Fifield | Ruben Millares | Kiki Valdes |
Georgeta Fondos | John D. Monteith | Jovan Villalba |
Marina Font | Ben Morey | Tom Virgin |
Melissa Fredendall | Andrew Nigon | Michelle Weinberg |
Gonzalo Fuenmajor | Andrea Nhuch | Janese Weingarten |
John Germain | Jessy Nite | Jill Weisberg |
Jeanie Giebel | Kubiat Nnamdie | Amy Wong |
Dana Lauren Goldstein | Lori Nozick | Agustina Woodgate |
Marina Gonella | Temisan Okpaku | Antonia Wright |
George Goodridge | Brandon Opalka | Kim Yantis |
Event Committee
Joy Satterlee, Executive Director
Jane Hart, Curator of Exhibitions
Chris Ingalls
Carol Jazzar
Michael Margulies
Sarah Michelle Rupert
Myra Wexler
Participating Galleries
David Castillo Gallery, Miami
Dot Fiftyone, Miami
Emerson Dorsch Gallery, Miami
Gallery 2014, Hollywood
Gallery Diet, Miami
Gavlak Gallery, Palm Beach
Guccivuitton, Miami
Carol Jazzar Contemporary Art, Miami
Diana Lowenstein Fine Art, Miami
Dina Mitrani Gallery, Miami
Primary Projects, Miami
Fredric Snitzer Gallery, Miami
Spinello Projects, Miami
Swampspace, Miami
Host Committee
Genaro Ambrosino
Bonnie Barnett and Dr. Robert Kagan
Abbe and Steven Becker
Francie Bishop Good and David Horvitz
Lynn and Terry Cantrell
Hon. Sandra S. Coleman and Paul Hancock
Tanya and Shaun Davis
Marianne Ferro
Tami Katz-Freiman
Heather and Randall Gilbert
Sigrid and Neil Gold
Michael Goodman
Thomas Guss
The Haller Group
Carmen and Peter Hotchkiss
Deborah and Leigh R. Kerr
Sharon and Alan Koslow
Rochelle and Steven Lanster
Dara and Jarett Levan
Kelly Elizabeth Lynch and Joel Z. Stengel
Liza & Arturo F. Mosquera
Oscar Llorente and Gerard Nadeau
Shelly Loos and Dan Reynolds
John Mabry
Angie Marano and Mary Botter, PhD
Kathryn and Dan Mikesell
Cristy Pena and Dan Casey
Karina Rasmussen, Design Sublime
Susan Renneisen
Elizabeth Sanjuan and Ken Brown
Dr. Wilma B. Siegel
Zack Spechler
Jacquelyn and John Stengel
Dr. Jason Swineford
Patricia and Ed Walls
Misty and Lee Weinger
Abracadabra is supported by MBI Fine Art Services, I’ve been Framed, Magician Jack Maxwell, Michael’s Catering.
Art and Culture Center of Hollywood
1650 Harrison Street, Hollywood, FL