speaking as part of the Pecha Kucha Miami series, Nov 20
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November 20, 2013, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Miami Beach Urban Studios, 420 Lincoln Rd, Ste 440
I’ll be joining the PechaKucha circuit, presenting a short talk spotlighting the work of Singaporean-born artist Su-En Wong from the Girls’ Club Collection. The presentation coincides with an exhibition at Miami Beach Urban Studios exploring feminist and queer themes in contemporary art from Asian artists.
This PechaKucha Night will be complementing themes of the WOMEN我們 exhibit at Miami Beach Urban Studios which is the first to explore feminism and queer themes in contemporary Chinese art. To broaden the discussion to a trans-national frame and to avoid essentializing identity (but not depoliticize it), the exhibition includes work by mid-career and emerging artists—not necessarily based in China or even of Chinese descent—alongside activist ephemera. Indeed, the title of the exhibition, WOMEN我們, is a play on the English–Mandarin homophone meaning “women” and “we.” It succinctly reveals the crux of the exhibition’s curatorial conceit: to examine issues relating to women in China while shifting and stretching the very terms of what the categories of woman and China signify. Organized by Alpesh Kantilal Patel in collaboration with Abby Chen. Special thanks to Florida International University and College of Architecture + the Arts.
Alpesh Kantilal Patel, Curator, WOMEN我們 and Professor of Contemporary Art and Theory, Florida International University
Houston Cypress, Miccosukee Producer
Robin Haines Merrill, Artist and Missionary from Manila
Neil De La Flor and José A. Villar-Portela, Executive Director/Founder and Program Director, Reading Queer
Sarah Michelle Rupert, Visual Artist and Gallery Director, Girls’ Club
Emery Grant, Director of Community Engagement, Stonewall National Museum and Achieves
Daniela Montoya, Master of Arts, Visual Anthropology and Mixed Media Artist with Angel Camacho, Ruby Ninja, Danny Ninja Infiniti, Vogue Demo
College of Architecture + the Arts’ Miami Beach Urban Studios (MBUS)
Florida International University
420 Lincoln Rd. Suite 440
Miami Beach Florida 33139